JetStyle Manager for Elementor

JetStyleManager Competitive Edge

A plugin that lets you style any Gutenberg block & adjust its visual rendition.


Add custom styles to your plugins with no extra code inside.


Manage the generated styles via 10+ different types of controls.


Use multiple style parameters to refine any given element’s look.


Develop a unique design for every Gutenberg block separately.


Apply style settings to Gutenberg-compatible JetPlugins.

Exploit the JetStyleManager Potential Fully

General Settings

JetStyleManager boasts settings galore, which cover the frontend look and feel of the tiniest block elements. Put the whole arsenal to good use and get a unique yet stylish layout for any Gutenberg-built items.

Style Controls
Slay the basic style settings by customizing anything from borders, padding, and margins to alignment, color picker options, dimensions, etc.
Responsive control
Activate this mode using the add responsive control callback. It add a new option controller that lets you alter settings on different devices.
Typography settings
Enhance every little thing you want about texts: font size and family, color, weight, line height & letter spacing, style, and more.